Apartment in Berlin

Bright and Spacious with private Kitchen & Bathroom, City Registration in the heart of Berlin - 5 min. to subway station

Private bathroom & kitchen
City Registration (“Anmeldung”) is possible
48 sqm (much bigger than other student Apartments)
5 min. to subway
From 1 March 2025
980 EUR all-inclusive
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Lovely, fully furnished Apartment in the heart of Berlin

Private Bathroom & Kitchen, and City Registration

This apart­ment of 48 sqm. comes with your pri­vate bath­room and your own big kitchen. City Reg­is­tra­tion (“Anmel­dung”) is pos­si­ble.

The Apart­ment is well-appoint­ed and ful­ly fur­nished. The apart­ment is warm and cozy, yet styl­ish and mod­ern.

The apart­ment, locat­ed in the west­ern part of Berlin, is well con­nect­ed by pub­lic trans­port. Its only a short foot­walk from the city´s main shop­ping and enter­tain­ment areas. Lake Liet­zensee and Ku-Damm are close by. Only 5 min. to sub­way sta­tion “Sophie Schar­lotte Platz”.

  • Danck­el­mannstreet, Char­lot­ten­burg-Dis­trict, Berlin, Ger­many

  • Pri­vate Bath­room and kitchen
    The entire apart­ment is only yours. No shar­ing with oth­ers.

  • City Reg­is­tra­tion („Anmel­dung”) is pos­si­ble
    Along with the accom­mo­da­tion, you will receive a Land­lord Cer­tifi­cate („Woh­nungs­ge­berbescheini­gung”) and a com­pre­hen­sive rental con­tract to facil­i­tate the manda­to­ry police reg­is­tra­tion process (“Anmel­dung”).

  • Ful­ly Fur­nished Com­fort
    The apart­ment comes ful­ly fur­nished.

  • 48 square meters

  • Con­ve­nient Sur­round­ings
    Only 5 min. to sub­way sta­tion, and only 12 min. to light rail sta­tion. Locat­ed in the heart of Berlin.

Fully equipped kitchen, with stove, fridge, oven, washing mashine
Spacious living room
Big bedroom
Coffee and dining table
Welcoming and warm entrance area
Outside view of the building. Only 5 min. to the subway station


  • The rent is inclu­sive of all util­i­ties like heat­ing, elec­tric­i­ty, water (“Warm rent”). There will be no addi­tion­al charges.

  • Not includ­ed: GEZ-Radio­tax. Wifi-Inter­net may be used with­out an addi­tion­al charge from the neigh­bor (at the sole dis­cre­tion of the neigh­bor)

  • Month­ly rent from the sec­ond month onwards: 980 EUR (sin­gle use)

  • First month’s rent: 1,680 EUR

  • Deposit: 2,700 € (Payable upon your arrival to the land­lord)

  • One-time admin­is­tra­tion pay­ment: 0 €

Needed documents

If you are interested, please sent us the following documents
  • Pass­port or ID Card Copy

  • Admis­sion Let­ter or Work­ing Con­tract

  • Blocked Account

  • Oth­er sup­port­ing doc­u­ments that can ver­i­fy your finan­cial abil­i­ty (salary slips, sav­ings, bank account state­ments, etc.). You can black-out sen­si­tive infor­ma­tion

  • You can black-out sen­si­tive infor­ma­tion


Only 5 min. to sub­way sta­tion “Sophie-Char­lotte Platz” (line U2) and only 12 min. to light rail sta­tion “Wes­t­end” (lines S‑Bahn 41, 42 and 46).

Super­mar­kets, shops, med­ical facil­i­ties and restau­rants are also close by. Its only a short foot­walk from Lake Liet­zensee and Ku-Damm, Berlin´s main shop­ping street.

Lake Liet­zensee Area, sit­u­at­ed in the west­ern part of Berlin is sur­round­ed by a pri­mar­i­ly res­i­den­tial area known for its tran­quil­i­ty and scenic beau­ty. Its is locat­ed with­in Char­lot­ten­burg, a dis­trict that hous­es var­i­ous edu­ca­tion­al insti­tu­tions, includ­ing the Tech­nis­che Uni­ver­sität Berlin.

Stu­dents con­sid­er­ing the res­i­den­tial area around Lake Liet­zensee may appre­ci­ate its prox­im­i­ty to aca­d­e­m­ic insti­tu­tions, the serene envi­ron­ment pro­vid­ed by the lake, recre­ation­al oppor­tu­ni­ties in the sur­round­ing green spaces, con­ve­nient pub­lic trans­porta­tion con­nec­tions to the city cen­ter, and the avail­abil­i­ty of local ameni­ties such as gro­cery stores, cafes, and restau­rants for their dai­ly needs.

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in Berlin