Apartment in Hannover

Beautiful Apartment with private kitchen & bathroom, 14 min. to University Hannover, 650 EUR

Private bathroom & kitchen
City Registration (Anmeldung)
Only 14 min to Leibniz University Hanover
25 square meters
650 EUR
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Apartment with private bathroom & kitchen in Hannover

This new­ly refur­nished and beau­ti­ful apart­ment in Han­nover comes with your own pri­vate bath­room and pri­vate kitchen.

  • Wun­stor­fer Land­straße, Han­nover Ger­many

  • 25 square meters

  • Pri­vate Bath­room and kitchen
    The entire apart­ment is only yours. No shar­ing with oth­ers.

  • Only 14 min. by bike to Leib­niz Uni­ver­si­ty Hanover, only 21 min. to Hochschule Hanover (UAS Hanover)

  • Pri­va­cy
    Enjoy the lux­u­ry of your own apart­ment

  • Min. rental peri­od: 12 months

  • The Apart­ment is unfur­nished (except the kitchen). You will have to bring your own fur­ni­ture.

  • Laun­dry machine avail­able

  • City reg­is­tra­tion („Anmel­dung”) pos­si­ble
    Along with the accom­mo­da­tion, you will receive a Land­lord Cer­tifi­cate („Woh­nungs­ge­ber-bescheini­gung”) and a com­pre­hen­sive rental con­tract to facil­i­tate the manda­to­ry police reg­is­tra­tion process (“Anmel­dung”).

  • Con­ve­nient Sur­round­ings
    The apartment’s strate­gic loca­tion offers close prox­im­i­ty to var­i­ous ameni­ties, includ­ing shops, restau­rants, med­ical facil­i­ties, and more.

Outside view of the building in Hanover
Combined living and bedroom with lots of natural light
Outside view of the building with lots of green
Bathroom with shower, WC and sink
Hallway inside the building
Hallway inside the building


  • The rent is inclu­sive of all util­i­ties, like heat­ing, water (“warm rent”)

  • Not includ­ed: GEZ Radio Tax, Wifi Inter­net, usage of the laun­dry machine (pay as you use)

  • The Apart­ment is unfur­nished.

  • Month­ly rent from the sec­ond month onwards: 650 EUR only

  • First month’s rent: 1,250 EUR

  • Deposit: 1,950 EUR

  • One-time admin­is­tra­tion pay­ment: 0 EUR

About the area

The Apart­ment is only 14 min. by bike to Leib­niz Uni­ver­si­ty Hanover and only 21 min. to Hochschule Hanover (UAS Hanover). Sub­way / Tram Sta­tion “Ehrhardt­strasse” is only 5 min. walk­ing from the Apart­ment.

Res­i­dents have access to var­i­ous ameni­ties and ser­vices, includ­ing shops, super­mar­kets, parks, etc. The pres­ence of green spaces enhances the over­all qual­i­ty of life.

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in Hannover