Student Apartment in Leipzig

Beautiful and modern Student Apartment with Private Bathroom & Kitchen for just 598 EUR

from 2 May 2025
Private kitchen & bathrooom
City Registration (Anmeldung) possible
Fully furnished
20 sqm
WiFi included
7 min. to University Leipzig, 10 min. to HHL
Lift & bicycle parking
From 2 May 2025
598 EUR
3D Apartment Tour

Beautiful and brand new Apartment with kitchen and bathroom

The entire Apartment is yours. No sharing with others.


The prop­er­ty spans six floors and fea­tures a mod­ern, ener­gy-effi­cient design. Each ful­ly fur­nished apart­ment allows you to move in with­out wor­ry­ing about fur­ni­ture or ameni­ties.

Locat­ed with­in walk­ing dis­tance to the city cen­ter and Leipzig Cen­tral sta­tion, you can eas­i­ly access pub­lic trans­port or explore Leipzig and its nightlife on foot. Its is only 7 min. to Uni­ver­si­ty Leipzig and 10 min. to HHL.

The Learn­ing Lounge pro­vides a space for col­lab­o­ra­tion, allow­ing you to con­nect with fel­low stu­dents for group study or projects. If you bike, there is a secure under­ground garage for your bicy­cle. For added con­ve­nience, laun­dry facil­i­ties and a lift are avail­able.

Your Apart­ment

Each apart­ment includes mul­ti­func­tion­al, space-sav­ing fur­ni­ture, fea­tur­ing a bed, wardrobe, and a desk that dou­bles as a din­ing table. A small kitch­enette with essen­tial appli­ances and a mod­ern bath­room with a walk-in show­er com­plete your apart­ment. Every detail has been con­sid­ered for your com­fort, so you can set­tle in and feel at home right away.

This mod­ern stu­dio apart­ment comes with your own pri­vate bath­room and pri­vate kitchen.


  • Berlin­er Street, Leipzig, Ger­many

  • Pri­vate Bath­room and pri­vate kitchen
    The entire apart­ment is only yours. No shar­ing with oth­ers.

  • City Reg­is­tra­tion („Anmel­dung”) is pos­si­ble
    Along with the accom­mo­da­tion, you will receive a Land­lord Cer­tifi­cate („Woh­nungs­ge­ber-bescheini­gung”) and a com­pre­hen­sive rental con­tract to facil­i­tate the manda­to­ry city reg­is­tra­tion process (“Anmel­dung”).

  • Laun­dry machine and dry­er avail­able (against an extra fee)

  • Wifi Inter­net

  • Lift in the build­ing

  • Bicy­cle park­ing lot in the base­ment

  • Pri­va­cy
    Enjoy the lux­u­ry of your own apart­ment

  • Con­ve­nient Sur­round­ings
    The apartment’s strate­gic loca­tion offers close prox­im­i­ty to var­i­ous ameni­ties, includ­ing shops, restau­rants, med­ical facil­i­ties, and more. Only 7 min. to Uni­ver­si­ty Leipzig, 10 min. to HHL.

Front view of the property
Lift in the property of the fully furnished Student Apartments in Leipzig
Fully Furnished Student Apartment in Leipzig
Working desk and private kitchen
Cozy bed and lots of storage
Private bathroom inside the apartment
Towel warmer of the private bathroom
Walk-in shower of the private bathroom


  • The rent is all-inclu­sive and includes of all util­i­ties, like heat­ing, elec­tric­i­ty, water, Inter­net.

  • Not includ­ed: GEZ Radio Tax, usage of the laun­dry machine (pay as you use)

  • Month­ly rent from the sec­ond month onwards: 598 EUR

  • First month’s rent: 1,298 EUR

  • Deposit: 1,600 EUR (will be returned to you after the end of the lease)

  • One-time admin­is­tra­tion pay­ment: 0 EUR


    -Pass­port or ID Card copy

    -Block Account

    -Admis­sion let­ter from your Ger­man Uni­ver­si­ty

    -Ger­man Visa / Res­i­dence Per­mit

    -Your cur­rent res­i­den­tial address and phone num­ber

    -Last three Income State­ments from you or your guar­an­tor (par­ents), sealed and signed by your employ­er (in Ger­man or Eng­lish lan­guage)

    -If income state­ment is from your guar­an­tor: Pass­port Copy or ID Card of your guar­an­tor

    You can black-out sen­si­tive infor­ma­tion


Only 7 min. by bicy­cle to Uni­ver­si­ty Leipzig, 10 min. to HHL Leipzig Grad­u­ate School of Man­age­ment and 19 min. to HTWK Leipzig.

The apart­ment is well con­nect­ed by pub­lic trans­port. Shops, restau­rants, med­ical facil­i­ties are close by.

Book now


Leipzig, Germany